What do you eat?

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What do you eat?

Postby Twat » Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:53 am


Seriously, though. :D Sometimes this can be quite the active subject.

What kind of food do you like? What's your favourite food in general? How much do you eat? What kind of food do you not like? Eat anything special lately? There's surprisingly a lot to say about food and what we think of it. This topic is a chance to say something. This topic can also cover any drink preferences. :3

In general, my natural diet seems very geared towards natural oriental dishes. I eat anywhere between 0-2 times a day and when I do, it'll more than likely involve rice. Whether it's rice, enriched rice, wild rice, rice noodle, rice cake, sushi, rice ball, just about any result. @___@

I don't like to think I'm a picky eater. I'll eat things even if they make me sick or I don't like it. An example is potato chips and similar junk food. All of those preservatives and whatnot really don't agree with me. Saucy and spicy foods, especially anything Mexican, will very easily give me heartburn or make me sick. Meats, with the exception of seafood, are kind of bleh. If I'm making food for others, I'll make sure it has meat but if it's just for me, I skip out on it. Though when I make stirfry teryaki, meat is more enjoyable for me. :3

All of that said, I have a big weakness for baked goods. Whenever someone gives me any sort of baked good I stare at the presenter as if they've just saved my life. There's also chocolate. Oh chocolate. The amazing chocolate. Chocolate is just too good. @___@

My favourite food is squid sushi. A distant second would be pizza with lots of veggies. Maybe I should make a sushi pizza with squid? :3 Might try that some time.

As for what I drink, I drink LOTS of water. And I mean, a lot. More than five times my family combined. Probably several gallons. I literally don't stop. Whenever I'm at home I always have a fresh pot of tea. Usually green mint or lemon. I really don't drink much else. No soda, or coffee (anymore), or alcohol, rarely even juice.

Drinking so much water, combined with days where I don't eat, cause a few health problems. No sodium means the water will carry magnesium out from my blood and I'll feel really weak and tired.


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Re: What do you eat?

Postby Vapour Trail » Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:15 am

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Postby Onigiri » Wed Oct 22, 2008 9:06 am

Hmmm, food.

Me, I'm a real Fruit-nut :3
Any kind of fresh fruit doesn't last long when I'm around. Except for strawberries and avocados though, I'm not really fond of those.

As for other food...

In the morning, I eat cereal mixed with yogurt. Sometimes a cup of tea to go with that, otherwise low-fat milk.

At lunch, bread with cheese, tomatoes and cucumber (and occasionally a dash of either mustard or mayonaise)
with fresh fruit juice or water.

For hot meals, I favor rice and pasta over potatoes. Though I like what we call stamppot (which is basically mashed potatoes mixed with vegetables) I don't really like boiled, baked or fried potatoes as a seperate dish. I do eat it when served though.
Stir-fry over boiled vegetables when possible.
Both meat and fish are ok with me, but I do prefer them grilled.
I also like something spicy to go with my meals, but the rest of the family has a hard time keeping up with me in that department.

My favorite winterdish is Snert (pea-soup) with freshly baked bread.
In the summer, a nice salad will do just fine.

Fruit, of course. Then there's also rice-crackers.
Ooooh, chocolate! Too bad it makes me itch all over a few hours later.
Let's not forget about ice-cream (homemade ice-cream, that's my weakness :D ).

I hardly ever drink alcohol. Even though I have the tolerance for it, I usually drive, and I don't want to mix drinking and driving.
When I do get to drink, it's usually a glass of whatever wine goes best with the dish. (or a Boutari Naoussa when it doesn't have to go with dinner)
A cup of strong coffee is nice. So is tea, btw.
Warm chocolate milk in the winter, itch be darned.
I also drink a rich amount of water each day to keep the system clean.
Time flies like an arrow.
Fruit flies like a banana!

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Postby Maxine MagicFox » Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:15 pm

Ehehe, this should be fun. :3
That being said, though... there's a LOT of food that I don't know and it amazes me when you guys start talking about it because I'm like "wow... I didn't know such a thing existed." My parents were hillbillies/country bumpkins so their diet is pretty basic which they passed on to me. Anything that was grown fresh and could be fried. I only recently learned what pirogi was and got to try some (didn't like them).

First and foremost what I love: fruits and vegetables
If it was grown and just picked in the garden, the more I love it. I LOVE LOVE Strawberries, but, I'm very picky about my strawberries. They MUST be fresh, and I can usually tell when they aren't. Walmart gets you coming and going 'cause, obviously, they aren't fresh and try to pass them off as such. Pffft. But, this is where my pickiness ends.

These are my top favorite veggies: Tomatoes (or is it fruit?), carrots, celery, broccoli, okra, scallions, onions, potatoes, and corn.

Top favorite fruit: Strawberries (MUST MUST be fresh as a I mentioned), pineapple, cantaloupe, watermelon, and blackberries.

Hate: Beans and coconut

*wipes off hands* Now that that's been established. I LOVE eggs, too (EGGS BENEDICT BABY!). And I love my meat. Chicken is my top favorite. Fried, grilled, nugget, or whatever. Then pork is next. Pork steak or barbecue - it's all good! Honestly, while I have to say that I appreciate some beef in my meals like meatloaf or cooked up in spaghetti sauce, beef falls at the distant last place.

Seafood is on a whole other rung, but saddly, I've not gotten to try much. Shrimp and crab legs, and some fish that I've had at buffet restraunts, though I could never tell you what kind. I would love to try lobster one day. I'd also love to learn how to fish and clean and prepare what I've caught myself. <-- yeah, little city girl has her parents' blood flowing through her, but sadly, they've always been too busy to take us out fishing now that we're grown up and to let us have a real try at it. ... Though city girl instinct is disgusted by worms, but, I think I could stomach it.

Pasta: another area I'd like to further my knowledge in. I don't know what Fettuccini Alfredo (did I spell that right?) is, but honestly, I'd love to try. Spaghetti and goulash are my only real experiences and I love both of them intensely. <3

Okay, now, sweets: top favorites: Chocolate and cheesecake.
Nope, that's it. I'm actually NOT a big fan of sweets. Eheh, my weight gain is not because I'm hogging on potato chips. While I guess I could appreciate them, there's one big problem: I HATE salt. No, I don't detest salt enough that I can't realize I should put a pinch here or there to make my food taste better, but, I can't stand how much potato chips and other things put it on. About the most I eat crackers are for soup only and when I'm out on a boat (FYI: saltines steady your stomach if you are suffering from a mild case of sea-sickness.)

And I don't like sweets that are TOO sweet. And while I love pies and pineapple upside down cakes and chocolate cake, Cheesecake is the only thing I'd ever risk going overboard with. Honestly, I could live without my sweets.

... I'm sure I've forgotten something in this post, but, that's enough for now. XD

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Postby Archaic Sage » Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:36 pm

I don't tend to eat much, in fact, I hardly eat much at all. As I have ultra, mega super sevre IBS, it causes me to have reactions to certain foodtypes with no prewarning, one day I can be fine with it and the next day I can be in total agony and doped up to the eyeballs in drugs, mostly on Tylenol 3.

However, I do like some food, roast chicken, roast potatoes, baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, roast beef, stake, turkey, goose, chips, crisps, chocolate, cheesecake, ice cream, milkshake, noodles, cheese, pizza, McDonald's, KFC, Subway, Nando's, meatballs, curry and stuff. But I can't eat most of those, anything with milk or cheese in it I'm dead for weeks, so I can't touch that at all :(.

So a normal work day will consist of:

Nothing, or half a Nutrigrain bar.

Nothing, or noodles. Sometimes roast dinner if work are serving it, if I'm not at work then nothing.

Depends where I am, it could be chicken, baked beans and chips, more roast food, Chinese meals, McDonald's or any normal dinner. Except if it has cheese in it, I run away. I'll never eat an entire meal either, it's always like half or a little under. I've got to be totally starving before I'll eat an entire meal.

Water, lots and lots of water. 4 litres a day is normal for me, which is like 7 pints. I'll also have several cups of tea, some fruit juices and stuff like that. I actually prefer drinking over eating :).

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Postby Kimiko » Wed Oct 22, 2008 5:17 pm

Oh, I'm not the only one who sometimes forgets to eat it seems. Eating only one or two meals a day makes me tire quickly, so I try not to do that, but often I just don't feel like cooking.

One thing I hate hate hate is cheese. Seriously, that's the grossest stuff ever invented. Spoiled milk left to rot, then dry. How anyone can eat it I don't understand. I mean, I'm not fond of milk in the first place, but rotten, dried milk? Yech.

Anyways, my breakfast is muesli (granola to you Americans) with yoghurt and a splash of juice. Regular crunchy muesli contains a little too much sugar for me, so I mix it with dry muesli.

Lunch (or whenever I feel like eating it) is three sammiches, two with salads (rarely meat because that's sold in packages too large for one person to finish before it expires) and one with something sweet (jam, syrup, choco).

My usual dinners are pizza (home-made, because store-bought always has cheese on it), or stir-fry. The stir-fry can be eaten with rice, pasta, tortillas or bread. Seasoning determines what kind of dish it will be. Stir-fry consists of 100gr of meat (ground pork/beef, chicken, or pork) and about twice that amount of stir-fry veggies (bought cut and mixed because I don't want to have to do all that myself; besides buying whole vegetables would mean I have to eat one vegetable for days).

My favorite cuisine would be Chinese (although that tends to be blended with Indonesian here in the Netherlands). And sushi of course, but that's such a hassle to make properly.

I drink mostly water and tea, and some juice or soda with meals. I like tea a lot, and usually have several different varieties and flavors. Loose tea that is, and not the 'herbal' or rooibos infusions that some ignorant people insist on calling 'tea' (pet peeve of mine).

Desserts I rarely eat, but I do eat some snackages in between meals. Croissants are one of my vices, along with milk chocolate, wine gums, and bolognese flavor chips.

Oh yes, fruit is good. I'm not as much of a fructivore as my sister and grandma though. They're the kind who will devour a full fruit bowl in one go. Me, I only eat one maybe two pieces of fruit a day, unless it's close to spoiling of course.

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Postby Twat » Thu Oct 23, 2008 12:07 am

What a diverse group of eaters this forum has. :D Instead of quoting people I want to respond to, I'll just post my general thoughts.

I wish I'd eat more fruits. I love them, I really do. Just that when I want breakfast, I'm more likely to look into the cereal cabinet. If I want a snack, it'll probably involve rice in some form or another. I really need to adjust my eating habits! Especially so I can enjoy grapefruits... @___@

Since my eating habits are very, hmm, natural..? I'll eat a lot of vegetables, usually stirfry or raw. I didn't mention this anywhere but I'm particularly fond of corn, onions and potatoes though somewhat in a limited fashion. Corn I really prefer on the cob, with no salt or butter. Onions need to be well cooked and finely cut. Potatoes, I love in any form (except potato chips in a bag) but my favourite is just a plain baked potato. Cleaned, wrapped in tin foil, placed in the over and soon good to go! I'll eat them warm and cold just about any time of the day.

I don't see how people stomach stuff like McDonald's or KFC! It really doesn't agree with me too well. A&W, Wendy's and Subway are just fine though. :3 If I'm going out to eat, I'm more likely to get food from "Koya Japan". Really good stuff.

My mother gave me half a packet of Cheezies, which is basically only a handful. She kept telling me to take it and I was like "No! It's okay! Thanks for offering, though" until I finally gave up and took it. Wow did that end bad. They were so cheesy and salty. @___@ My stomach still feels bad from that small amount. At a younger age I was able to handle stuff like that but in the recent years my food selection has deviated even further from stuff like that.

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Postby Seniwac » Thu Oct 23, 2008 3:00 am

i probably consume too many potatoes

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Postby Maxine MagicFox » Thu Oct 23, 2008 4:27 am

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Postby Vapour Trail » Thu Oct 23, 2008 4:39 am

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Postby Maxine MagicFox » Thu Oct 23, 2008 4:43 am

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Postby Vapour Trail » Thu Oct 23, 2008 4:50 am

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Postby Maxine MagicFox » Thu Oct 23, 2008 11:31 am

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Postby Onigiri » Thu Oct 23, 2008 12:31 pm

Time flies like an arrow.

Fruit flies like a banana!

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Postby ZetaBladeX13 » Fri Oct 24, 2008 3:08 am

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