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Maxine MagicFox
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Postby Maxine MagicFox » Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:07 pm

Max wants to be a reviewer -_-

:3 I'm really hoping that if I manage this, I can be the one that people read when they want a REAL opinion about a niche game title from someone who actually fucking plays niche games. Not just some Halo or Bioshock fan who had SMT:SJ slammed onto their desk one day and was expected to play it. >_>

Granted, there are a lot of things wrong with reviewers, but, I hold a lot of admiration for them and I love reading reviews - you just have to be smart about it and make sure you know the revewers' background. Nintendo Power writer's "Hoff" is one of my closer favorites. When he writes an opinion or a review, I know his interests correspond closely to what I like and he usually does a good job reviewing. Not perfect, but he's one of the names I look for.

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Postby Sampson » Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:19 pm

Well, reviews are still useful since you can give an analysis of the product, which is really the most vital when determining if you want to buy it.

And you can give your own opinion, and like you said, if it's been established that your likes are similar to someone else's, they can look to you for advice.

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Postby Maxine MagicFox » Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:31 pm

And seriously, I don't see what you guys are really bashing.

Not to long ago, many of you were "game reviewers" when you kept telling me to buy Strange Journey. ^_^ I bought it because I trusted your guys' opinion and VT's game advice, which I know interested others.

That's why I think niche games need better reviewers. It's hard for niche titles to get respect if they are not being represented appropriately.


T-T I'll get there... someday...

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Postby Archaic Sage » Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:36 pm

Niche games will never be reviewed properly by larger gaming sites and magazines, simply because there's not enough people who enjoy that type of game who will purchase the title. Nintendo Power will sell twenty times the amount of copies with a big picture of Link and Zelda across the front of it than if they had a front page with a picture of Shiren the Wanderer.

It's all about real-estate, what will get people buying the magazine and clicking through to increase the ad rates :(.

Unless Maxine starts a niche site for niche game only, lol.

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Postby theo » Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:46 pm

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Postby Sampson » Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:49 pm

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Postby Archaic Sage » Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:04 pm

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Postby Sampson » Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:06 pm

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Postby Maxine MagicFox » Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:16 pm

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Postby theo » Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:18 pm

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Postby Kinokokao » Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:49 am


I always check metacritic for game reviews and read several opinions to form my own. I like to see what worked and what didn't. Sometimes reviewers will take away points for something that's actually a benefit to me -- lack of online/multiplayer doesn't bother me in the least, but it often gets points taken away from games. Lux-Pain got slammed for poor translation and not having "gameplay," both of which were true, but I enjoyed it anyway and knew what to expect. You can't rely on just one source, IMO.

On the subject of over-analyzing:

Something that drives me crazy is when historians feel the need to super-analyze everything, or when wild theories supplant the banal. A well-known example of what I mean is Akhenaten, the father of the famous Tutankhamen. He's notorious in Egyptian history for his religious reformations. What's unusual is the artistic depictions of his time period. I won't regale you with the full of it, but he was either drawn irregular because he had a genetic disorder, or because he chose to be depicted in a certain fashion. My take on the matter is that he's the fucking Pharaoh and nobody'd be drawing him all fucked up unless it was intentional. Furthermore, there was an extensive shift in all human depictions, not just his, and even Nefertiti was shown with her hips all curvy.

Anyway. That's just me.


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Postby Maxine MagicFox » Tue Apr 13, 2010 3:38 pm

I'm so fucking upset right now. Tia, my sister, has this pitbull dog that her and her shitty, drug-using, thief of a fiance own. We have been taking care of it when she is at work. Tia gets upset with us because of things like, when we give our beagle and our shiatsu canned dog food we give the pitbull some too 'cause he starts whining and barking. Stupid little shit like that.

So, back when Nate was leaving, I got bit by this pitbull when I was trying to put him in this crate of his. I still have blood under my nail because of it.

Now within the past month, he has bitten my mom once, when she was using a leaf blower, bit my dad when he was using an air compresser for a tire, and just the other day when a neighbor walked in the pitbull started jumping at her all excited, but when she put her arm up to defend her he got super aggressive. Then he attacked our shiatsu when mom attempted to play with it and the shaitsu got mad because the pitbull took the toy. Luckily the shiatsu was ok aside from a minor bit mark.

All of these Tia turned into some kind of joke. Even while the rest of us are getting miffed and nervous about this fucking dog. And every time we do Tia's all like "you have to feed it a special diet! Stop treating him the way you guys do!"

Then yesterday Clarissa stayed home from school. When a boy, fifteen or so, attempted to enter the yard to come see her, the pitbull attacked him. Luckily the boy got away with just a few minor scrapes but mom got bit THREE TIMES.

So last night mom tried to talk to Tia and tell her that we want the dog gone. Tia ignored us and went back to bed - actually got mad at mom for having disturbed her sleep in the first place.

So this morning, mom and I (dad's at work) were talking and the both of us decided that we are both pissed, so when Tia came down it turned into this HUUUGE fight. >_< Tia's all like "YOU GUYS SHOULDN'T FEED IT THE CANNED DOG FOOD!! YOU CAN'T LOVE ON IT THE WAY THAT YOU LOVE ON THE OTHER DOGS!" or "BLOU AND CODY BITE TOO BUT YOU DON'T GET RID OF THEM!"

My thought is: the dog fucking ATTACKED another STRANGER. A CHILD. Who ONLY FUCKING ENTERED OUR YARD! What if it was the mailman? The guy checking on our meters?! A UPS truck. Or EVEN WORSE, what if it was a ten year old child coming into the yard to ask if he could mow our lawn?!! (which has happened).

>_< I love this pitbull dog, too. It can be cute and charming, but the moment it starts fucking attacking people, that's it! TIME TO GET RID OF IT!! I don't think a fucking diet or some shit has anything to do with it. I can't even believe she's arguing the point. If I had a dog and actually thought that the animal had attacked one of my own family members I would be devastated. The mere thought of the dog attacking another human being, HOLY SHIT!! NO WAY!! We're just lucky that it was nothing serious and that the mom isn't pressing charges.

She's all pissed off at us, and now even worse, she called on Monday since it was a beautiful day. She attempted to call out today to deal with this situation and now it looks like she's going to lose her job. So she's REALLY pissed about that.

I've been relying on Tia to get me back and forth to work and she's informed me that now I'm going to have to lose my job since she's not driving me anymore.

>_< FUCKING BITCH!! NO WAY IN HELL AM I LOSING MY JOB TO HER!! NOT BECAUSE OF HER BEING IRRESPONSIBLE! I have no problem with going in at fucking 4am with my dad and sitting there until they let me clock in to whatever time and get picked up at 4pm. IT'S NOT OUR FAULT THAT SHE'S LOT HER JOB! SHE HAS TO LEARN TO FUCKING TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR HER ACTIONS!!

Between her fiance stealing out stuff, her pitbull attacking us, and now her absolute disregard for others, I'm beginning to not be able to stand to look at her!

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Postby theo » Tue Apr 13, 2010 5:43 pm

My heart goes out to you, Maxine. It sounds like you've been extremely lucky thus far with a ticking time-bomb of a situation.

Very justified emotions aside, I think your plan is the best way to go. Quite frankly, the situation with your sister's fiance would scare the crap out of me.

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Postby Vapour Trail » Tue Apr 13, 2010 5:53 pm

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Postby Kinokokao » Tue Apr 13, 2010 6:09 pm


That dog is just doing what it thinks is right. Some intruder entered your yard -- that dog's yard -- without permission or warning, in the dog's mind. Don't destroy the dog because its owners haven't trained it properly. Pitbulls get a bad rap for being mishandled. They have an instinctive urge to behave in a certain way and need special care and training -- this, of course, I direct to your sister who is being neglectful of the dog's particular needs. What if that boy had been a murderer or child rapist, and the dog attacked him, scaring him away. Too often we get upset with dogs for not understanding what we consider a threat. HOWEVER if the dog is biting because it gets over-excited, that's a problem you can correct. Please don't just get rid of the dog or destroy it, that breaks my heart. Investigate pitbull rescue or re-homing the animal, don't just throw it out like unwanted garbage. Again, this is all a negative view of your sister for her neglect.


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