UPDATED! Weekend Site Clean-up

Author: Maxine MagicFox, July 2, 2010


So, I blame the holidays, but seriously, this turned into a much bigger project than I originally anticipated. I will be working on it throughout the week. Most of it is off-site work so far, so do not expect anything serious.

So, to be quite honest, I'm a student for webdesign and development. I'm going through the classes at the moment and there's a lot that I'm learning. When I made ItL it was before I even started these classes.

In addition to this, I had JUST learned CSS. So, it's not like I was actually GOOD at it, yet. I've gotten better since then, though I will not say that I know everything (I'm STILL a student).

Still, the purpose of this rather small, self-analyzing post is to tell you all that this weekend I will be cleaning codes up. Not just codes but a lot of trash I see sitting on my server. Random things and such. I'm going to be doing a little summer cleaning.

Hopefully it will be nothing that you guys notice. However, in the odd event that something happens I wanted to give you all a warning: I'm editting my codes - anything can happen. Most of it will be done off-line, but in the event that something strange occurs with the site, please do not fret. We will be back up in working condition by Monday, even if I have to upload a back-up.

So, you get that? This weekend the site should NOT go down, but if it does, it will be down the entire weekend and will return Monday. The forums will not be touched, so please feel free to continue posting and enjoying yourself.